Sunday, September 5, 2010

football season is here!!

I'm actually not a big football fan in general but when it come to Georgia Tech football I'm all ab it! Since Eric graduated from there we're big fans. This year is our third for being season ticket holders and we just love the whole experience. Yesterday was the first GT home game of the season and we had a blast!! We got downtown at 8 am (we were LATE!) and tailgated until the game at 1. Unlike most games, we also tailgated after the game for a bit. We didnt leave downtown until 7 11 hours of tailgating fun! Yeah, baby! I know that sound like a long time but it went fast and we had fun, which is all that matters really.

This pic is an unzoomed view from our seat. We are the 3rd row up from the field!

Me and ERic after the game. And.....yeah......I have a tan line from the Buzz sticker......

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