Tuesday, October 26, 2010

gold rush days

my mom and I started a new little tradition a fwe years ago of going to Gold Rush days each October. Unfortunately we missed it last year b/c Lucas had just been born and I completely forgot about it since I was completely consumed by him. I really wanted to take him last year too! But we got to go this year and I got some really neat stuff! One thing that I didnt like was the # of similar booths. Do there really need to be 5 or more booths dedicated to girls hairbows or dresses??? Ick. MAybe I say this b/c I' dont have a daughter. And there were a few other booths that I wondered how they got approved b/c their "craft" or "service" was just silly. I say get rid of the duplicate or silly booths and make way for more CRAFTS!!

Here are the goodies I got (minus the yard sign I havent taken a pic of)

I'm going to hand these from the tree in the front yard

the artist that drew this was at the festival and signed this for Eric. He's going into retirement!

cute door hanger!

I also got a yard sign that says "our pumkin patch" and has our names on it- it's so cute!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010


After work on Friday Eric and I took Lucas to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. He had his first full table food meal from a restaurant. He loved it all. Mushrooms, zuchini, cottage cheese, ham, cucumber, tomato, cheese, grapes, french fries :), etc. Practically anything that was on the salad bar or our plates. And hey, did you know that Ruby tuesday is now doing rolls?! They are too small, but they're good! :)

After dinner we ran to the store to get all the food for tailgating Saturday. By tome we got home (930 pm) and done w/ prparing the food we didnt get to bed until 11:30 pm!! Then I had to get up at 530 to get ready then finish making the food. We still got out the door 25 mins later than "planned". I just cant get out the door on time! :/

We took Lucas to my SIL Leslie's for her and bryan and my other SIL Morgan to watch him while we go to  the game. they graciously accepted to keep him for the day since he refuses to nap at the game and it's just so hard on him when he stays awake that long. he had fun w/them going to a pupkin patch (his 3rd in a week!).

We had a great time tailgating as usual. we had great food and great friends. It felt like old times b/c the satellite wasnt working so we spent the day standing around and talking instead of staring at a TV screen. I never watch the TV b/c I could care less what's on but the guys really missed it! We've already ordered the replacement part and hope it works for next week! I made potato skins for the first time ever and they turned out well. they were actually really tasty! I'm getting better ab this cooking stuff! LOL!

For the game one of our friends invited us up to his parents box and it was so cool! I felt special beign up there w/ all the "big wigs" :). Here is the view we had:

sunday was chore and errand day. All in all it was a great weekend and as usual, way too short. Lucas at Home Depot:

how much is that....baby...in the....box?

the other night Lucas and Eric were playing. Here, Eric put Lucas in a box. Lucas wasnt too happy ab it so we took him out. but then he wanted to do it again- by himself! :) Later, Eric showed Lucas how to crawl through the box. it's the little things.....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jaemor farm

great farmer's market. not so great pumpkin patch :/ We'll be going back to Burt's next year. There were very few photo ops. The pumpkins were more expensive, the selection wasnt as good and if you wanted to go to the field where they have most of the pumkins you had to pay $3 just to go in or $12 to go pick one which was twice the price of buying one off the shelf. So I got noe from the store instead. I was very pleased w/ all the food we got. But the whole reason we went- to see and get pumpkins- was no where close to Burts. We still had fun though!

indian giver

So, it's not "PC" to call someone an "indian giver" anymore....so what do you call them? Let me just say this.....if you give someone something-no matter why you gave it- and then change your mind over a year later that you suddenly want it back.....IT'S TOO LATE!! you gave it to me. I offered no less than 5 times to pay for what you gave me- in person multiple times, via email, via text and via FB- but you wouldnt give me a price. I was under the impression that what you gave me was mine to keep. When I offered to pay and you didnt respond then it was obvious to me it was mine to keep....or you would've said "just use it for now and I'll get it from you later." Instead you gave NO response to my requests to pay you. That's your own fault.

I guess it's a good thing I'm too nice and decided to give it back to you. Honestly, some of it I've already given away to others or consigned b/c I thought it was mine to keep and thus do what I want w/ it. So you'll get back what I have left. I didnt use it anyway. So there! (LOL!)

And by saying "I hope it wasnt a problem" doesnt fix things. Of course it was a problem. I spent 3 hours of my life sorting through all the stuff you gave to get out the few things I kept. Then I had to spend another hour of my life (that could've been spent doing other, more important things) to go through my stuff to retrieve "yours". Thanks a lot. Actually, thanks for nothing.

Sorry for those who are confused. Just know that if you give someone something then you need to make it very clear whether you are giving it or letting the person borrow it. And if you give it then dont ask for it back.

I wish I wasnt so nice.

The party

We had a great party for Lucas on 9/26/10. It ended up raining but the party was great and I was proud of myself for successfully pulling off his party :) W/ the help and suggestions from my sister, a coworker and the internet I thought the decorations turned out great. I'm not usually the type of person to boast ab myself....but seeing how UNcreative and NONcrafty I am, I was proud of how it all turned out. So thanks for letting me pick your brains Jennifer and Carmeana!!!!

There are a lot of pics here. Enjoy!

This is the "before" pic of all the party stuff.

The next fw pics are the signs my SIL, Morgan, made for the party she did SUCH a good job!!!!!

I love this one- it was a 3-D poster!!!

I bought this one at walmart :)

the table decorations

The food table (we had to move the party to the garage b/c of the rain)

A closer view. If you look closely you can see the tablecloth is a road.

Cookies I made to look like tools. I got the cookies cutters at http://www.thecookiecuttershop.com/

the front of the house

Ha....I made the top 1/2 of this poster and it looks like a 2nd grader did it....now you know why I asked Morgan to do the others. she finished the poster for me. Again, she did an awesome job!!!

The yard

the birthday boy!!!!

Talking w/ Megan and Austin's puppy, Grizz. (Megan is Eric's sister and Austin is her hubby :))

One of his new fav toys from my grandmother. He love it!!!

Lucas w/ his grandpa's. My dad is holding Lucas and Eric's dad is on the right.

Eric thanking everyone for coming. then I said something and teared up. I'm such a sap!!!!

My nephew, Matthew in the middle w/ 2 of his second cousins (my cousin's boys)

My mom and her two youngest grandbabies, Lucas and Anna. Anna is 3 mo younger than Lucas.

the "smash" cake I made.

Happy Birthday Lucas!!!!!!!!!!!

the absolutely amazing, beautiful and creative cake my SIL, Megan, made for Lucas. She is a chef!!! Great job Megan!!!

Eric and Ethan, another nephew. He is 6 mo older than Lucas.

Ha! I love this pic b/c it looks like Lucas is giving Ethan the evil eye for getting near his 4-wheeler!


He took a long nap after the party and then played w/ all his presents when he woke up. He stills plays w/ them and loves them so much!!! he got some GREAT stuff!!!