There are a lot of pics here. Enjoy!
This is the "before" pic of all the party stuff.
The next fw pics are the signs my SIL, Morgan, made for the party she did SUCH a good job!!!!!
I love this one- it was a 3-D poster!!!
I bought this one at walmart :)
the table decorations
The food table (we had to move the party to the garage b/c of the rain)
A closer view. If you look closely you can see the tablecloth is a road.
Cookies I made to look like tools. I got the cookies cutters at
the front of the house
Ha....I made the top 1/2 of this poster and it looks like a 2nd grader did you know why I asked Morgan to do the others. she finished the poster for me. Again, she did an awesome job!!!
The yard
the birthday boy!!!!
Talking w/ Megan and Austin's puppy, Grizz. (Megan is Eric's sister and Austin is her hubby :))
One of his new fav toys from my grandmother. He love it!!!
Lucas w/ his grandpa's. My dad is holding Lucas and Eric's dad is on the right.
Eric thanking everyone for coming. then I said something and teared up. I'm such a sap!!!!
My nephew, Matthew in the middle w/ 2 of his second cousins (my cousin's boys)
My mom and her two youngest grandbabies, Lucas and Anna. Anna is 3 mo younger than Lucas.
the "smash" cake I made.
Happy Birthday Lucas!!!!!!!!!!!
the absolutely amazing, beautiful and creative cake my SIL, Megan, made for Lucas. She is a chef!!! Great job Megan!!!
Eric and Ethan, another nephew. He is 6 mo older than Lucas.
Ha! I love this pic b/c it looks like Lucas is giving Ethan the evil eye for getting near his 4-wheeler!
He took a long nap after the party and then played w/ all his presents when he woke up. He stills plays w/ them and loves them so much!!! he got some GREAT stuff!!!
1 comment:
You did an AWESOME job! :) I love the decorations :)
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