Monday, October 11, 2010


After work on Friday Eric and I took Lucas to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. He had his first full table food meal from a restaurant. He loved it all. Mushrooms, zuchini, cottage cheese, ham, cucumber, tomato, cheese, grapes, french fries :), etc. Practically anything that was on the salad bar or our plates. And hey, did you know that Ruby tuesday is now doing rolls?! They are too small, but they're good! :)

After dinner we ran to the store to get all the food for tailgating Saturday. By tome we got home (930 pm) and done w/ prparing the food we didnt get to bed until 11:30 pm!! Then I had to get up at 530 to get ready then finish making the food. We still got out the door 25 mins later than "planned". I just cant get out the door on time! :/

We took Lucas to my SIL Leslie's for her and bryan and my other SIL Morgan to watch him while we go to  the game. they graciously accepted to keep him for the day since he refuses to nap at the game and it's just so hard on him when he stays awake that long. he had fun w/them going to a pupkin patch (his 3rd in a week!).

We had a great time tailgating as usual. we had great food and great friends. It felt like old times b/c the satellite wasnt working so we spent the day standing around and talking instead of staring at a TV screen. I never watch the TV b/c I could care less what's on but the guys really missed it! We've already ordered the replacement part and hope it works for next week! I made potato skins for the first time ever and they turned out well. they were actually really tasty! I'm getting better ab this cooking stuff! LOL!

For the game one of our friends invited us up to his parents box and it was so cool! I felt special beign up there w/ all the "big wigs" :). Here is the view we had:

sunday was chore and errand day. All in all it was a great weekend and as usual, way too short. Lucas at Home Depot:

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