Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I am not sure whether to be relieved or in disbelief. Today I took Lucas to the pediatrician for the to listen tot he noise he has been making (see my earlier blog "cause for concern"). I was all prepared w/ blankets to put on the floor so he could crawl around (NOT on their floor b/c who knows how many kids have thrown up down there) in hopes that he'd make the noise. If he wouldnt do it then I had video back up on my laptop!! But he did it while we were there so thankfully the pediatrician heard the noise first hand. but she was entirely unconcerned b/c she said it sounds like phlegm in the back of his throat and he just isnt old enough to have learned how to clear his throat yet.

I just find this so hard to believe. He makes this noise all.the.time! I mean I'm relieved that it isnt anything serious like a constricted airway but I just have a hard time that phlegm can make him make that noise all day everyday. I guess we'll find out soon though....she said to try giving him 1/2 tablespoon of Zyrtec everyday and that should help.....

so I guess we'll see what happens and for now I guess I'll stop being in denial and accept her diagnosis......

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