Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday....

....kind of.....I feel like these pics need an explanation.

Lucas is an only child and he's also only 11 mo old so he doesnt yet know what it's like to have a sibling or even aware that other kids really exist. But he does get to see his cousins a lot so that's a blessing.

The other day my sister was watching Lucas.My niece, Ava, is 4.5 years old and my nephew, Ethan, is 18 months old. Ava is a girly girl who loves to dress up. But Lucas doesnt have a sister to dress him up, much less know what it means to even play dress up!

Well, I walked in the front door and saw Lucas all girlied up. I about died laughing. It was the cutest most precious sight I'd ever seen! So I just HAD to take some pics!! I tried to get his attn w/ my lanyard to look at the camera but it didnt work too well. He just wanted MAMA since I'd just gotten there!

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